Our Mission 

The mission of the Irish American Building Society (IABS) is to develop and foster business, cultural, educational and charitable activities, and maintain continuous exchange of information among our members.

IABS strives towards a setting that promotes friendship, encourages cooperation and mutual development on both a personal and professional level, and fosters education through our scholarship program. The organization seeks to expand business opportunities within our membership and to aid each member in achieving their own career or personal objectives. We aim to benefit our membership and our community, both locally and globally. 

Together, we hope to recognize and remember all the good work and effort – particularly in the realm of the building, real estate and construction trades – that the Irish American and Irish community has historically provided to the United States of America and the world.

The Irish American Building Society (IABS) is passionately dedicated to fostering a vibrant Irish culture and advancing education, business, and charitable initiatives throughout New York. Rooted in our cherished Irish traditions, IABS embodies the spirit of Tabhair ar ais—“To Give Back.” This principle drives our commitment to supporting Catholic education, with $50,000 donated in 2024 to Catholic schools and organizations across New York, Brooklyn, and Queens.

At the heart of IABS is our dedication to raising funds for college scholarships, supporting educational institutions, and contributing to charitable organizations meeting immediate community needs. Our Spring Gala, Annual Golf Outing, and the Great Irish Fair (GIF) are key fundraising events that bring our community together and strengthen our mission. The GIF, in particular, highlights Irish culture through dance, music, sports, and exhibitions, drawing thousands of Park Slope, Brooklyn. Under IABS’s stewardship, this beloved event supports Catholic schools and honors outstanding Irish professionals with prestigious awards.

As an organization, we take immense pride in our heritage, preserving the rich Irish culture that has endured through trials of genocide, colonization, immigration, and discrimination. We actively celebrate this legacy through our involvement in New York’s annual Saint Patrick’s Day Parade and support for historical societies and associations dedicated to Irish history. IABS is committed to honoring our ancestors by educating the next generation and ensuring that our Irish culture remains strong and vibrant for years to come.




Marty Cottingham

Vice President

Mary Glynn

Board Of Directors

Thomas Flood

Brendan Gallagher

Carolyn Conroy Romano

Kevin Conlon

Gerard Keogh

Gerard McCabe

Maureen O’Malley Byrnes

Daniel Woods

Kieran McGirl